Michael Hendrix assisted the City and Arup North America, Ltd. in the development, adoption, and defense of the 2013 Chino CAP. Mr. Hendrix also assisted the City during negotiations with Citizens for Reasonable Equitable Economic Development (CREED), by providing more details on solar-ready roofs and the installation of photovoltaic solar panels. Finally, when CREED legally challenged the CAP, Mr. Hendrix assisted in the development of the Administrative Record for the project, which provided a successful legal defense of the CAP.
Following the 2013 CAP, Michael Hendrix helped the City with a CAP Update in 2019, which involved updating the City’s GHG inventory and target setting to conform to SB 32. Mr. Hendrix assisted in with a stakeholder communication and engagement strategy to ensure community concerns were addressed early in the process. Michael Hendrix also developed City-specific GHG reduction measures and strategies to meet the targets for 2030 and continued reduction phasing through 2045. In the Summer of 2020, Mr. Hendrix drafted a CEQA Addendum to the pervious Environmental Impact Report (EIR) analyzing the 2013 CAP describing how the CAP Update fits within the context of the EIR analysis. After adoption of the CAP Update in December 2020, Mr. Hendrix assisted the City in monitoring and reporting progress of the CAP Update including the most recent CAP Update Progress Report completed in 2022.